Young Life Houston & Hurricane Harvey Update

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[full][button url=”″ color=”red” target=”_self”] GIVE NOW – Hurricane Relief Fund [/button][button url=”” color=”main-btn” target=”_self”] VOLUNTEER TO HELP REBUILD [/button][/full]

I learned that “all Young Life staff in the Greater Houston and Lone Star regions are safe. Yet many of them, along with volunteer leaders and committee, face the hard reality of what awaits them when they return home. They face not only damage to their homes and communities, but the challenge of being Christ in the midst of pain and loss.”

Would you join me in giving to the Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund for this great ministry? Or you can go and help with recovery efforts through Young Life Expeditions, you can fill out the Hurricane Harvey Relief Inquiry Form. (Expeditions creates service and engagement opportunities for Young Life kids, leaders, adults and families.)

thank you!

W. Ashley Maddox
Lead Filmmaker