What are the trends for videos in 2021?
If you are looking at the 2021 landscape and overwhelmed with what type of videos you need for your nonprofit, then you are not alone. This year has seen video used a lot as a main communications medium. Take a look at the following list of video that we have seen will be trending for 2021.
Short stories with burnt in subtitles
Most people are now watching videos on their phones with the sound off. Don’t keep sound as a barrier from people to watch your videos. Burn in your subtitles to your videos for more views and more people seeing your videos.
Short organization overview
Don’t assume people know what your organization really does. Make a video explaining what you do and how you do it. It is not as emotional as the testimonies you might have but when people are on your website, they can know exactly what you do and how they can be involved. [example video]
Direct call to actions
Cut to the chase and let people know how they can be involved. Short 1 minute videos asking people to go, give, and pray can move people at the moment they see it to do the things you ask.
Donor hero stories
Your donors are an important part of your nonprofits story. Making them the hero and show how they can make huge impacts and change lives by giving, volunteering or by playing an important part in what you do. [example video]
Facebook, Instagram, and Linkedin made videos.
Get more views and share more by making your videos conform to what the algorithms of Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and what Linked-In want. They all tend to lean towards a certain type of video length, shape and story. Research, or schedule a call with me, to learn more. [example video]
These are just a few of the trends that we have seen people wanting for 2021. Watch this video here for an indepth look at 5 types of videos that will work for your nonprofit in 2021. If you need help with your next video production, schedule a 15 minute call and let’s get started.
w. ashley maddox
Videography and video production services for faith based nonprofits.
P.S. If you need help with your 2021 video production strategy, schedule a 15 minute call and let’s get started.
Faith-based Nonprofit video production