Freedom Walk Africa | Young Life Africa
The Freedom Walk was a prayer walk across Tanzania on the old Slave Caravan route. We prayed for freedom and ministry and for chains to be broken. There was much fruit on the Walk and we continue to see new fruit almost daily across Africa.
The Senior African Leadership Team has declared this year another “Year of Freedom” for Young Life Africa. We are convinced that a key part of Reaching A World of Kids (or as we call it in Africa now “Triple Double”–to Double, Double and Double again in 7 years) is doubling and doubling again the amount of real transformation and freedom experienced at every level of Young Life Africa. That we would not just be a ministry of Mass Proclamation but we would be a powerful ministry of Mass Transformation–of people, communities, countries, the continent and the world. That we would break chains and bring real Freedom for every kid connected with Young Life.
We have completed a short video giving a snap shot of the things God did on the Freedom Walk. Please take a few minutes and watch this. And please join us as we pray and fight for real Freedom for kids and Africa. Thank you.